Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thoughts from a procrastinating mind

Well, Osama Bin Laden is dead.  Though I do have a suspicion that he was captured alive so he could be interrogated secretly.

Bin Laden was the symbol of America's War on Terror and now that he's dead, who will take his place?  I nominate Dick Cheney to be the new face of the War on Terror.  His mug scares the shit out of me.  What I'm getting at is how does this affect the conception of our war against terror?  OBL kinda was the yin to our yang.  Good against Evil.  Batman versus Joker, etc.  It begs the question, was killing him really the most effective way of resolving the difference between America and Bin Laden's extremism?  I'm sure the news analysts will be talking about these things for months on end. 

Well, we all know this war against terrorism was going to be a long war, possibly unending.  And just because OBL is dead it does not mean it's the end.  When it started, I didn't know what to be more frightened of, the terrorism or that the U.S. was beginning a war that might never end.  Bravo to our troops, intelligence operatives and the President for this accomplishment.

I haven't really read much of the details of what happened.  All I know is that some bad-ass American soldiers flew in on helicopters and brought the pain.  Cool stuff.

Hollywood, you guys got a movie in the works yet?  Some suggestions:  Michael Bay, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson(The Rock), a whole lotta explosives, some exotic cars and hot chicks (I realize that the last two might not fit into the storyline, but I have faith in Michael Bay).

President Obama, Bush Sr. lost reelection even after winning Desert Storm, so you better keep on truckin'.

Did anyone watch the speech Seth Meyers gave at the White House Correspondents Dinner?  Was he just not that funny or was Donald Trump just killing the buzz in that room?  I don't think he even smirked once. 

The more I think about it the more it seems true.  Poetry is masturbation with a pen.  

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen Seth Meyers' clip, but I saw the President's bit and thought that was pretty funny.

    As far as the other stuff, the Vatican's statement actually sums up my feelings about everything: “In the face of a man’s death, a Christian never rejoices, but reflects on the serious responsibilities of each person before God and before men, and hopes and works so that every event may be the occasion for the further growth of peace and not of hatred.”

    I don't think it actually solves anything, so maybe that's why I'm ambivalent - I didn't feel relief or happiness when I heard the news.
