Monday, May 24, 2010

Losing Lost, Gaining Hope

The show Lost has finally ended.  Judging by the internet chatter it seems everyone has varying degrees of satisfaction on how it ended.  And despite the fact that my biggest question about the show wasn't fully answered, I am pretty satisfied. 

I am not a complete "Lostie", but during the week leading up to the finale I found myself with a bit of angst about what I will watch after it's over.  And now that it's over I feel, in a word, lost.  This show had many messages, but the biggest one that stands out for me is that no life is ever beyond redemption and no life, no matter where it has led, is without purpose and meaning.  Though I might be feeling a little "lost" I'm also feeling very much inspired and hopeful.  So what's next? 

Summer is upon us and I'm going through a lot of changes(no, it's not puberty).  After much deliberation, my store is closing.  Currently we have a sale going on to get rid of as much inventory as possible.  So if you happen to need sunglasses or eyeglasses let me know.  After that, a possible trip to Korea to visit family and friends again and once I return from that I'll go on a missions trip to Paraguay.  Then I'll be moving east to go back to school and that's about as far as I've gotten planned, but world domination is still one of the goals. 

There was a time in my life when I hardly watched any television.  I read newspapers on a regular basis.  Reading lists would actually shrink rather than growing to an insurmountable size.  I'd discover new music by actually going to see unknown bands and my knowledge of art grew from going to museums.  It would be nice to get back to that.  TV is great, but many nights I feel that I'm watching it because I have nothing better to do.  I want my life to have better things to do. 

Though the feeling of being lost can be very frightening, no one can find themselves, or anything for that matter, if you weren't lost first. 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Lost answered none of the questions I cared about getting an answer for. Fail.

    2. Sorry about the store - although part of you must feel like you have a huge weight lifted off your back. I need sunglasses but I always break mine... so I never spend too much $ on them. If you've got some cute ones that I won't cry over if I accidentally sit on them let me know!

    3. How long in Paraguay? And why Paraguay?

    4. Back EAST?! Where are you going to school? AND EAST!?!!

    5. I love TV... but there isn't much that's good on in the last couple of years. I pretty much only watch on Thursdays now. It's made me discover.. uh... foriegn TV... and food as a hobby... I don't know if those are very good replacements.
